
Timeline • Susan Bonner

FALL 2009 • Digital Imaging 1 • 3:30 pm

Monday 8/31 First day of class
Intro to Susan Bonner:

Intro to the class blogs
Laptop discussion making sure you have the software required.
right hardware, including backup system.

Intro to iconography.
What is branding?
What makes an icon?

What is typography?

How to research

Demo file organization

Research begins. WEBLAB
Sketch out icon series - due 9/9

Wednesday 9/2

No Class (3:30 class only) - Susan Bonner on Teacher Leave

Monday 9/7

Wednesday 9/9
Sketches due beginning of class

Demo on points

pen tool technical tracing
live trace
tracing options
point manipulation
typography -choosing the right font for the image

Monday 9/14
more point manipulation object > path > simplify
typography -choosing the right font for the image
previewing at the image in small and large
saving and exporting for web

Wednesday 9/16
work in class - some may be working on a new piece to continue in a series (if approved)
Visually- color of line, line stroke thickness,
Technically- fewest points possible to make your image
student review on screen

Monday 9/21
saving for web in class

Wednesday 9/23
Deadline Project 1

present to class on screen


First SAVE your work at that large size about 950 x 950 pixels.
Then RESAVE under a different name-small about 250 x 250 pixels

Unlock all layers

IF you have any strokes they will remain the same size when shrank, (so they will look different when you downsize).(they will not downscale in relation to the size of fills)

So it is important to flatten all layers.
All strokes must have created outlines.

Then get the transform tool in the tool box and select all
Transform to make fit in the new artboard which is smaller.

Save your file -save for web, jpg (if white background), png (if you want clear background)

Monday 9/28

Review project 2 Illusion of Space in Illustrator

Demo with Color Space Layered File (download)
Digital Color Management: Use Worksheet for Printing on Laser Printer

Demo on gradients
Demo on gradient mesh
Demo on Blends
with replace spine and reverse spine

Atomic Learning
Editing a blend

Sketches due for illusion of space project on 9/30

Wednesday 9/30

Sketches due for illusion of space project on 9/30
email a jpg of sketch to Susan@visualpump.com

Visiting Artist Mike Williams

RM 707

8:30-11:30 Painter Hands On Demo Workshop- in digital imaging for print class rm 707

11:30-12:30 Lunch with Faculty

12:30- 2:30 Career Talk in Professional Practices with Digital Media Illustration and Traditional Illustration Students. He will show his work. rm 707

2:30-3:30 Portfolio Review with Advanced students 10 minutes each. rm 707
There will be a sign up sheet.
If you are interested in getting reviewed you can also email Susan - susan@visualpump.com

click to enlarge

Monday 10/5
Show ideas for Illusion of Space Project

work in class
Line work in illustrator

Gradient fills and Gradient Mesh in Illustrator
Color Settings for Print - see color settings blog

Atomic Learning - Search

Gradient fills
Gradient Mesh in Illustrator

Wednesday 10/7
work in class
Gradient work in illustrator

Monday 10/12

Visiting Artist Brandon Miltgen

Vector Character Development

Wednesday 10/14
Digital Color Settings- Display Calibration to a specific printer (Icarus)

work in class
Aim to have image completed by end of class

Monday 10/19
Visiting Artist Comfort Love and Adam Withers - Comics Marketplace - The Uniques

in Professional Practices class- career talk, how to pitch an idea.

Digital Imaging 1 -They will show their work and demo photoshop/illustrator focusing on some special effects like fire, motion and "paste into" from CgTextures.com and how to make word bubbles in illustrator.

Aim to have image completed by end of class
Deadline: Image Due 6:30

Wednesday 10/21
5:30-6:30 Print Proofing Demo (with Susan)
demo- photoshop adjustment layers - curves and hue sat
clone stamp
exporting from illustrator as a psd file.
keeping layers

Monday 10/26
Deadline - Illusion of Space Project -Printed due the beginning of class

Intro to next assignment - must bring original to class on Wed.

Wednesday 10/28
bring original to class- scan or photograph- then prep original for web

Monday 11/2
demo: Digital coloring
Project intro- Photoshop Compositing

Wednesday 11/4
work day-
execute paste into
go to CG Textures- find image- download correct size
in psd file select your shape you would like texture to be pasted into
open texture file
select all
go to psd file
apple shift v (paste into)
now you can move the texture around
and distort the texture
and change colors to meet the needs of the image

Monday 11/9
work in class- (extended deadline)
texture and compositing
focus on the EDGES

Wednesday 11/11
work in class

Monday 11/16
7 more classes
intro to the next assignment
work in class for compositing project

Wednesday 11/18
deadline- printed beginning of class.
Review of new Assignment- Photoshop Filters and Effects
Design briefs created
Genre Sheet

Monday 11/16
Design Briefs reviewed
references, Benchmarking

Wednesday 11/18

Monday 11/23
Design Brief
- Market
-Media -(Method of Delivery)

Benchmark (3)


Wednesday 11/25 no class
work on your project
eat a turkey or feuxturkey or tadurkey

Monday 11/30
4 classes to finish



12/9 last day of class